Eve Online Low Slot Power Grid

A ship's CPU is the computer that controls the modules (such as weapons, repair systems, and so on) that you havefitted to your ship. The CPU has limits, and this page explains how to make the most of your ship's CPU.

Overview of CPU

Mar 16, 2010  Setting up ships can be intimidating, especially once it comes time to actually share them with the universe either by launching them into the face of hostile fire, or simply by pasting your design into the rookie help channel and getting 'critiqued' - so here's a setup for each of the rookie ships that provide some clues on how to build ships in eve and take advantage of strengths and weaknesses. Fitting 2 wcs is fine but if you are going to fit more then go with 4. I hunt explorers with dual scrams & can tell you that 3 won't cut it. The only explo frig that has 4 lows is the magnate so when I see one on scan I switch out for a 3rd scram. The Powergrid available on a Ship is a measurement of how much power its reactor has available for use by fitted Modules.Along with CPU and Slots, a ship's Powergrid is one of the three primary limitations on modules that are able to be installed.Note that Powergrid is distinct from Capacitor. Powergrid output is a static number that is consumed by fitting modules to a ship. Eve online low power slot shield your needs the most. The list is based mostly on your country, as many bonuses are only valid to players from certain countries. However, other ranging factors, such as the bonus eve online low power slot shield value and the casino's rating, have been added into the mix as well.

Your ship has fitting slots that you can use to install modules on your ship.When a module is online (i.e. turned on) it uses some of your ship's CPU power. Because of your ship CPU's limits, you might not be able to have all ofyour modules online at the same time.

Train Electronics to increase your CPU output

You can increase your CPU output by training the Electronics skill.It will boost your CPU output by 5% for each level of Electronics that you train.

Eve Online Power Grid Upgrade

Fit a co-processor to your ship to boost CPU output

You can also add co-processors to your ship to increase CPU output.There are a number of different co-processors available in the market. For example, Co-Processor II boosts CPUoutput by 10%.

Train skills to reduce the CPU usage of modules

Eve Power Grid


There are also skills that allow you to make more efficient use of your ship's CPU,reducing the amount of CPU required by different types of modules that you can fit to your ship. They are summarized below:

  • Electronics Upgrades - Reduces the CPU of modules that are in the Electronics and Sensor Upgrades category
  • Energy Grid Upgrades - Reduces the CPU of modules that require the Energy Grid Upgrades skill to use
  • Mining Upgrades - Reduces the CPU of mining upgrade modules
  • Weapon Upgrades - Reduces the CPU needs of all types of weapons.

Use an Implant to reduce CPU usage of specific modules

Eve Online Power Grid Skills

Tri card poker online. Your character can install neural implants to further increase your CPU efficiency.Implants such as the Zainou 'Gnome' and the Inherent Implants 'Highwall'reduce CPU usage of specific module types.

Use rigs on your ship to reduce CPU usage of specific module types

Just as there are implants for your grey matter 'CPU',there exist a number of rigs that you canuse on your ship to reduce CPU usage of modules.For example, the Liquid Cooled Electronics rig will reduce CPU needs ofElectronics Upgrades modules.