I Lost Everything Sports Gambling

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Hi there, welcome, you've taken a good first step to seek help on here. Often times it takes a rock bottom for us to finally realise that we need help and a fresh start.

Marilyn Lancelot lost almost everything, too: two homes, her car and her life savings. But it wasn't until police arrived and led her off in handcuffs that her life finally hit rock bottom. Deep in debt, she'd begun forging her boss's name on checks and cashing them to feed a runaway gambling addiction. The Guardian - Back to home. To my wife and family, I apologise: how I lost £130,000 spread betting. His fears that gambling would never make him the winner he wanted to be were also. May 10, 2013  Linda Mannerberg lost $35,000 to a crippling gambling addiction. She Lost $35,000 on Penny Slots, Then Got Her Finances Back on Track. 'I had to lose everything I owned before I was. I've lost everything. First time writing here. Laying here in my bed knowing I am a compulsive gambler. I've lost my entire life savings of over 30000 over the last year. Have talked my family about my problem and still gamble away everything I have and am just about at my rock bottom.


I Have Lost Everything

Losing everything is a typical end result of a gambling addiction. It sounds like you've still be gambling recently so at the moment it will be extremely difficult for you to just stop cold turkey.

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The first thing you need to do is accept that the money is gone and it's not coming back. Dwelling on the past is a key trigger that will cause you to have many, many relapses if you are not able to let it go. To help you with this, I would highly recommend self-excluding yourself from all physical and online venues/websites that you've gambled on (or might gamble on). If you want further restrictions in place, you can consider getting a loved one to monitor and control your finances for the time being. Any money in your hand right now is money that is highly likely to go straight into funding your addiction.

Lost It All Gambling

Now once you have the restrictions and blockers in place, seek emotional support. Attend GA and confide to someone your trust if you can. Getting it off your chest will help you immensely. Keep posting on here and keep track of your progress. We're all in this together but remember to always be patient..take it one day at a time. Good luck.

Lost All My Money Gambling