Play Ingenious Online Free

Ingenious is, at its core, an abstract tile placement game (not something I normally go for, as I tend to warm to a good theme, so please do read on if you feel the same way). Players take it in turns to play pieces to a hexagonal board, accumulating points while attempting to limit opportunities for their opponents. Think innovation as a way of life. We don't innovate to survive; we do it because it's the reason to exist.

Designer(s)Reiner Knizia
Publisher(s)Fantasy Flight Games
Sophisticated Games
Setup time1 minute
Playing time45 minutes
Random chanceMedium
Skill(s) requiredStrategic thought

Ingenious is the English name for Einfach Genial (Simply Ingenious), a Germanabstract strategyboard game designed by Reiner Knizia under commission from Sophisticated Games and published in 2004 by Kosmos. Across most of Europe it is titled as the local translation of Ingenious or Simply Ingenious, the notable exception being Mensa Connections in the UK.

  • 1Components
  • 2Rules
  • 4Awards and nominations
  • 5Mind Sports Olympiad Rules
  • 6Related games


  • 1 game board
  • 4 tile racks
  • 4 cardboard scoring boards
  • 24 wooden scoring blocks
  • 120 tiles
  • 1 rule sheet

With the exception of the game box and rule sheet (which require regional translations), identical components are used in each version of the game.

Tile distribution[edit]

There are six coloured symbols used in the game:

  • red 12-pointed star
  • green circle
  • blue 6-pointed star
  • orange hexagon
  • yellow 24-pointed star
  • purple ring

Tiles are in the shape of two conjoined hexagons, with one of the coloured symbols in each hexagon. There are six tiles for each two-colour combination (e.g. red/orange) and five for each double (e.g. blue/blue). The combination of colours and symbols aids visually impaired players.



The game can be played by two, three or four players, with additional rules provided for solo and four-player partnership play. Each player has a rack of six randomly chosen tiles which are concealed from the other players. The board is also made up of a number of hexagons, with the two outermost rings reserved for three- and four-player games respectively. The rules state that the youngest player takes the first turn, although where multiple games are played it is common practice for the first turn to rotate clockwise around the board in subsequent games.

Tile placement[edit]

Players take turns placing a tile on the board, scoring points by creating lines of identically colored hexes. On the first turn, each player must place a tile next to a different one of the six printed colored symbols on the board; thereafter players may place tiles on any free space.


Scoring occurs from each of the two symbols on the tile. Counting outwards in a straight line from each of the five available faces of the two hexagons (the symbols on the tile itself are not counted), one point is scored in that tile's color for each identical symbol in an unbroken line. It is therefore possible to score points on two colors by placing a single tile.

Each player's score is public knowledge at all times.

Bonus play[edit]

If a player reaches a score of 18 with any colour, they declare 'Ingenious', 'Genial' or 'Mensa' (depending on which language version they are playing) and place a further tile. Achieving a score of 18 on two colours at the same time will earn two bonus plays, and bonus plays may earn further bonus plays by reaching 18 points on another colour. Once a player has used their bonus play for any colour, they will not score additional points or earn further bonus plays on that particular colour. All bonus plays are made from the player's current rack of tiles. Bonus plays must be used immediately.

Swapping tiles[edit]

Once a player has made their move(s) and scored accordingly, they may choose to swap their tiles if they hold no tiles of their current lowest-scoring colour (or where their lowest score is tied, if they hold no tiles of any of their joint lowest colours). Their remaining tiles are shown to the other players, a full hand of six tiles is drawn, and the discarded ones replaced in the bag.


If the player holds five or fewer tiles, they refresh their hand by drawing enough tiles to bring them back up to a full hand of six. This is the end of that player's turn.

Victory conditions[edit]

Any player scoring 18 on all six colours wins immediately. Otherwise, the game ends when no more pieces can be added to the board, at which time players check the colour in which they have the fewest points. Whoever has the highest point value in their weakest colour is the winner of the game. In the case of ties, the second weakest colour is checked, and so on.

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The unusual victory condition ('highest lowest score wins') requires players to develop all six colours and drives a higher degree of strategic planning than would otherwise be the case. Tactical considerations include not only how many points a player will earn by placing a particular tile, but also which colours they will score on, often resulting in a trade-off between the two. Building large blocks of one colour also leads to higher scoring opportunities for one's opponent, and gameplay often revolves around a player tactically blocking a colour for which they have already established a scoring advantage.

Awards and nominations[edit]


  • Schweizer Strategiespiele Preis
  • Österreichischer Spielepreis Spiel der Spiele
  • Deutscher Spiele Preis, 5th place
  • Spiel des Jahres selection list
  • International Gamers Award nomination
  • Japan Board Game Prize nomination: Best Foreign Game for Beginners


  • US Games 100 for 2005, nomination: Best Abstract Strategy Game

Mind Sports Olympiad Rules[edit]


Swiss tournament, with at least 7 to 9 matches. Up to 10 players will all play against each other. In any case the precise number of matches will be announced before the beginning.

General rules[edit]

For what is not specified here, regular rules are in use.


Each match consists of one game. The scoring charts are placed beside the board, both in the same side, with the same orientation and visible to both players. The first-named player plays first.

Each tile can be placed so that it touches any tile that is down or one of the special colour start cells. A player may change his rack if he has none of the colours of which he has the fewest points in, otherwise a player's rack is replenished at the end of his turn.

A tile may be played for 0 points!

If a player gets a colour to 18 he gets another go but without replenishing his rack. It is possible to have more than one consecutive go. If a player gets 2 colours to 18 with the same move, he only gets one additional go.

The game continues until there is no room left on the board or a player gets 18 in all of the six colours. The score is worked out on the colour with the fewest points and the winner is the player with the highest among the lowest value; in case of a tie you go ahead with the second colour with the second fewest points, and so on.

The winner gets 1 VP, while his opponent gets 0 VPs. In case of a draw (only if all the 6 colours are in the same position!), both get ½ VP. At the end of each game the levels of the colours with the fewest points and their differences are reported.

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Each player has 10 minutes. During his time the player declares aloud his score and moves the cubes (the opponent has to check in this very moment). If the player wants to change his rack, he has to declare it and to show his tiles before pressing the button.

As a player presses the button, he only can replenish his rack. If a player runs out of time, he stops playing and his opponent carries on playing till the game ends or his time expires. The winner is then decided in the usual way.

Play Ingenious Online Free


If at the end of the tournament 2 or more players have the same number of VPs, the following criteria are used in order as tie-breakers:

  1. the results between players
  2. the highest progressive difference of the colours with the fewest points
  3. the highest progressive level of the colours with the fewest points

Related games[edit]


Einfach Genial - Reiseedition, produced by Kosmos (US version: Ingenious Travel Edition released by Fantasy Flight Games) is a travel version of the game, for two players only. This is much smaller than the regular version, and the plastic board incorporates indentations to hold the players' tiles as well as holes for the scoring pegs. Notably, there is a different tile distribution in the travel version of the game: 2 of each double tile and 3 of every other colour combination, compared with 5 and 6 respectively in the original game.


Einfach Genial Knobelspass (Simply Ingenious Puzzles), also from Kosmos, uses cardboard versions of the tiles from the original game. The player has one of each of the 21 different tile combinations and for each puzzle must place these in the correct positions on a pre-printed sheet to match the coloured symbols.

Einfach Genial Junior is a simpler version of the game. It uses similar techniques of matching coloured symbols but utilises a square board instead of hexagons.


Einfach Genial: Das Kartenspiel is a card game based on the original Einfach Genial.

Einfach Genial: Wer zu viel riskiert, verliert! ('Simply ingenious - who risks too much, loses!') uses the same coloured symbols, but each hexagonal playing tile only has one symbol.

External links[edit]

  • Ingenious at BoardGameGeek

Ingenious Game Rules

Retrieved from ''
Ingenious is, at its core, an abstract tile placement game (not something I normally go for, as I tend to warm to a good theme, so please do read on if you feel the same way). Players take it in turns to play pieces to a hexagonal board, accumulating points while attempting to limit opportunities for their opponents.
Each playing tile consists of two hexagons fused together on one side, in the same way you can view a domino as being two squares stuck side-by-side. Also like dominoes, each end of an Ingenious tile has a value – but where in dominoes it's a number, in Ingenious each end has one of six colours. Unlike dominoes, when a player plays a tile to the board, they score points for the entire length of each coloured row they add it to, rather than just the adjoining tile.
So here's the clever part. Each player records a separate score for each of these six colours on their player board as they go, but the eventual winner will be the person who has the highest score in their weakest colour at the end of the game. This means you're constantly scanning your opponents' scoring cards – as well as the board – to see how you can either boost your own poorly scoring colours, or cut off opportunities for your opponents to raise their weaker ones.
This elevates the game to one I would suggest, at the very least, is a must try for any gamer. Even if abstract games usually leave you cold, there's a good chance this mechanic will be enough to make you want to add Ingenious to your collection, especially as it plays out in under an hour. You can try it online here:
There are several reasons Ingenious is one of my highest ranked games. Firstly, despite its simple nature, two games never really feel the same. There are 120 tiles in the bag and around 100 spaces on the board, making for thousands of combinations. You simply can't strategise too much as the board position is always changing, you're picking tiles at random and you never know what your opponent has, meaning you may be playing right into their hands. This is impressive for a game that works with such simple basic pieces.
Secondly, it scales really well from two to four players and also has an enjoyable solo variant. Again, interestingly, the scaling doesn't really change the way the game plays, but this is no hindrance to the enjoyment or longevity of the game – it's the oldest game in my collection and I'm still always happy to play.
However, the best thing about Ingenious for me is the mid game tipping point that everything tends to hinge on. Early on you will probably be going all out for points across all colours, but as you enter the mid game and the board starts to fill, each player will have a eureka moment where they either realise one of their colours looks in trouble, or that their opponents are leaving it too late to bring one of their own colours up to an adequate score.
In my experience, the whole atmosphere of the game switches at that point, going from a relatively relaxed game to an incredibly tense one. Getting it right can be euphoric, especially against a strong opponent, while if the penny drops too late you can really feel your heart sink as the game begins to slip away. But even then a lucky tile draw or mistake by an opponent can let you in for what seemed like an unlikely victory.
Two great game elements tend to come into play here: blocking and changing your tiles. A good blocking move at the right time, shutting out a colour, can win you the game. It can also make another player realise they've missed that tipping point – it is hugely satisfying to see that dawn on an opponents face.
You can also swap out your entire 'hand' if you do not have a tile containing your current lowest scoring colour after you place a tile on the board. This rule tends to negate poor luck handing an opponent the game, as you can usually manoeuvre yourself into the position of restocking your tiles (and you don't lose a turn doing it).
This mid-game moment can occasionally be a bit of a negative, especially if there is a difference in experience between players. A good player should always beat a new one, despite the randomness of drawing tiles from a bag, and getting the feeling mid game that you're going to lose can get old pretty fast.
That said, it should only take a few defeats to realise what you're doing wrong and there isn't a huge gulf between experience and inexperience, as there is in some other abstract games such as Chess or Othello. Once you've got the basics down you can quickly start to learn from your mistakes and from watching how others play.
The other problem some will have with Ingenious is lack of personality. I'm sure the only reason it doesn't often hit the table with our group is that other games leave more of an impression, due to the story they tell or the theme they adopt. I find it interesting that abstract games which have what is considered a pasted on theme are often lambasted for just that.
I think with Ingenious though, it's not precisely a lack of theme – it's more a lack of personality in the production. There's nothing wrong with the quality of the components, with a solid board and chunky plastic pieces. But it screams 'high street store' rather than 'specialist games store'.
The game doesn't need a back story, or names for the pieces, but a theme for the whole beyond 'generic' would help it earn a few more followers. Perhaps they could do a few new versions – simple mediaeval and space themes would probably shift a few more copies, as would a nice, classy wooden version. But this is really a minor quibble.
I play Ingenious because, despite its level of randomness, it offers what I consider one the best level tactical playing fields in board gaming. The switch of style mid game makes it feel like two very different challenges that hang beautifully together and getting this right is one of the best feelings I get playing games. Despite its lack of theme, I feel Ingenious is one of the best board games on the market.
  • Last edited Mon Sep 30, 2013 12:06 pm (Total Number of Edits: 3)

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