Poker Etiquette Casino Play Button Leave

Fundamentals of Poker - General GuidelinesMason MalmuthTwo Plus Two Magazine, Vol. 15, No. 11

Poker Etiquette, 7 Unspoken Rules of the Game At some point in your life you were taught etiquette. It stands to reason that the lessons you learned about being polite, being patient, and exercising civility should apply when you’re at a poker table. I wouldn’t worry about etiquette and pleasing random gambling degenerates in the casino but if you find yourself at a home game or a table with a lot of friendly people you like, then proper etiquette would be to announce your last round or the time you wish to leave ahead of time. SLOT MACHINES ETIQUETTES. Casino visits aren’t just about winning or losing; they’re also about having a good time. That’s especially true on slots, where losing sessions greatly outnumber winners and it’s the entertainment value that keeps us coming back between big wins. It’s true, you’ll eventually learn how to exchange cash for chips without reading this, but not without a blunder or two. The first rule of casino etiquette when exchanging your money for casino chips is to lay your cash down on the table. Don’t hand it directly to the dealer because they won’t accept it.

At a ring game in just about any casino, you can get up and leave the table anytime you want. You do not have to give notice or provide a reason. If you win a couple big hands and want to leave. Any time you want to quit, simply tell the dealer you're out before he starts to deal the next hand, then leave. Before playing, you might also want to check what's customary at that casino in.

  • General Guidelines
  • Seven Card Stud
  • Limit Texas Hold'em

Although poker is a pleasurable pastime, it’s enjoyable only when the game runs smoothly and quickly. Most of the responsibility for ensuring this rests with the house dealer, but players can do their part to keep the game moving in an orderly fashion. So you will know what is expected of you at the poker table, we are providing the following “rules” of poker etiquette.

Act in turn.

In poker, the action proceeds clockwise around the table, one player at a time. Acting out of turn not only shows a basic disregard of propriety, but also may give a player an unfair advantage over his remaining opponents. As an example, discarding your hand before the action gets to you may tell a player who should have acted ahead of you that it’s now easier for him to get away with a bluff. This obviously is not fair to those players who already have chosen not to bet.

Don’t throw your chips into the pot.

Throwing your chips directly into the pot, also known as “splashing the pot,” makes it difficult for the dealer and other players to determine whether you have bet the correct amount. In fact, when a player splashes the pot, it sometimes may be necessary for the dealer to interrupt play and count down the pot to make sure it’s correct. The proper way to make your bet is to place it directly in front of you on the table. The dealer will inspect your bet for accuracy and then will add it to the other chips in the center of the table.

Avoid making a “string bet” or “string raise.”

When you bet or raise, you should place the proper amount of chips in the pot at one time. A string bet/raise is an illegal play and occurs when a player places less than the full raise in the pot and, without verbally announcing a raise, returns to his stack to get more chips. This play is prohibited, as an unscrupulous player can use it to his advantage. As a precaution, always say, “Raise,” when you intend to raise.

Casino poker etiquette

Make decisions in a timely manner.

Most starting hands in poker are thrown away, which means that a great deal of your time is spent watching, not playing. Thus you want your opponents to play as fast as possible, and you should do the same. This doesn’t mean that when you’re faced with a tough decision, you can’t take some time to figure it out. In fact, if you need a moment, say, “Time, please.” But whenever possible, act on your hand quickly.

Keep your cards on the table.

Most cardrooms prohibit you from taking your cards off the table. However, it’s important to keep your cards in front of you for two additional reasons. First, when you pick up your hand, it may be seen by a player sitting next to you, which gives him an unfair advantage. Second, the dealer usually looks down and in front of you. If he doesn’t see your hand, he may deal your next card to someone else on a later round, causing confusion.

Turn all of your cards face up at the showdown.

This is necessary so the dealer can read your hand to determine whether you’ve won the pot. In addition, the other players will see that you have a legitimate hand made up of seven different cards. If you turn up only the five cards that you think make the best hand, not only will the other players object, but also you may have missed seeing the winning hand. Needless to say, if no one calls your final bet or raise, it’s not necessary to show your cards.

Don’t discuss your hand during play.

Providing information about your hand to other players, even if you have thrown your cards away, may give someone an unfair advantage. For example, if you abandon your hand and then remark, “I just threw away an ace and a king,” a player holding one of these cards now may choose not to enter the pot with a hand he otherwise would have played.

The games are played “table stakes.”

This means that only the money and chips you have in front of you on the table are in play. If you run out of money during the play of a hand, you are said to be “all in” and can contest only the part of the pot that your bets cover. You are not allowed to reach into your pocket and produce more money during that hand. (Notice that you will not lose the pot because someone has bet more money than you currently have on the table.) In addition, you are not permitted to remove money from the table until you are ready to leave the game.

Tipping is appreciated.

Though not obligatory, it’s customary to give the dealer a tip when you win an average-sized pot. Tipping is an accepted way of thanking the dealer for performing his job in a professional and courteous manner.

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General Rules

1.) Poker manager / floor manager – For the poker manager and his representative, regard for fairness and the most appropriate solution in the interest of the game take highest priority. Situations not mentioned in this rule are decided by management or its representative reasonably and in accordance with the respective circumstances. In the interest of fairness, unusual circumstances can mean a rule is not interpreted in its actual sense. The decisions of the poker manager or his representative are final.

2.) Player responsibilities – Players are expected to verify their registration information and seat assignment, protect their hands, clearly state their intentions, follow the action, act in turn, defend their right to act, keep their cards visible, keep their chips correctly stacked, remain at the table during a live hand, speak up if they notice an error, transfer tables promptly when asked, follow the hand, know and comply with the rules, and generally contribute to an orderly tournament.

3.) Table language – While playing for a pot only German or English may be spoken.

4.) Official terms – In the various actions, simple, unmistakable, internationally customary declarations such as bet, raise, call, all-in, raise pot, complete and passive actions such as fold and check are to be used. The use of non-standard declarations or gestures occurs at one's own risk because it may result in a decision other than what was intended by the player. The players bear the responsibility for making their intentions clear.

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5.) Electronic devices – The use or placement on the poker table of mobile telephones, tablets, laptops or other electronic devices or objects is not tolerated under any circumstances. For telephone calls the player must leave the table. Every player may place or use various electronic devices (with the exception of headphones) next to the gaming table as long as he is not actively participating in a hand and the game has not been interrupted. The hand of a player who violates this rule may be declared invalid.

The chips and cards of the players must be visible to the other players and personnel at all times and a fast game must be guaranteed.

6.) At your seat – Every seat where a valid table stake is placed receives cards. If a player leaves his seat, he receives cards until he is in the big blind. Then he receives a 'missed blind' and after that no more cards. From the moment a player receives a second missed blind, his seat becomes vacant in the event there is a waiting list.

The hand of a player who is not at his seat once the deal is completed is invalid.

7.) Pot limit – In No-limit the dealer may at no time provide information about the amount of the pot.

8.) Indivisible chips – All bets must be divisible by the respective ante or small blind and can be made using any valid Casinos Austria AG value chips. The player receives any resulting odd chips back. If a pot needs to be split between two or more players due to parity of hands, in Texas Hold'em and Omaha the odd chip goes to the player sitting closest to the button according to the betting order.

How To Play Casino Poker

In Seven Card Stud, the odd chips go to the player with the highest card (including by suit) in his hand. A pot is only split up to the amount of the small blind or ante.

9.) Misdeal – A misdeal occurs when:

  • a.) Two or several additional cards have been dealt
  • b.) No cards have been dealt to a player
  • c.) The first or second card has been revealed

Casino Poker Etiquette

If two or more active actions (bet, call, raise, re-raise, all-in, ..) are taken before the error is noticed, the erroneous hand is declared invalid and the game continues regularly. A game can no longer be declared invalid after the flop.

10.) Unprotected hands – If the dealer collects an unprotected hand, the player does not receive back the bets he has placed up to that point. Exception: a player has raised and his raise has not yet been called by anyone. In this case the player receives his raise back.

11.) Responsibility to attend – Players in the middle of a hand must remain seated. A hand may be declared invalid if the player is not at his seat during the hand.

12.) Table change – A player is not allowed to change to another table without permission from the floor manager. A player can put his name on a waiting list for another limit or another type of game. If the table change occurs at the same limit, the full table stake must be brought into play at this table. The decision as to whether and when a player may change is up to the floor manager.

13.) Dinner break – Every player may on every day of play interrupt his game for 60 minutes without losing his place. To use this option, the player inform the floor manager about his break.

At no time can more than 3 players interrupt their play for 60 minutes at the same time.

14.) Deck of cards – The deck of cards can be exchanged at any time by management or a representative. A player may not demand a new deck.